Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well we made it. Three planes, 10 bags (only 9 made it), and a two-hour drive brought us to Anderson, S.C. where Tony's parents live.

It was a pretty smooth trip with all 3 kids and we had nice new planes with plenty of room. And even the missing bag was eventually found. (They even gave us $150 for our inconvenience - thank you American Airlines!)

Our time here will begin in South Carolina where we will speak at Cornerstone Assembly in Anderson. Then a family vacation in the Tennessee mountains with Grandma and Grandpa. Then we head south to Orlando, Miami, and Bradenton, where we will speak at four more churches.

We have been having a great time so far watching the kids play with their grandparents and sliding down the slip and slide. We thank God for this time we have to tell others about Romania and what God is doing there. We still have some time open if you have a group or church you think would be interested in hearing about missions or Romania. We are also looking for people who are willing to host a dessert night in their home as a more informal opportunity for others to learn about our ministries in Romania. If you would be up for hosting a dessert night, please contact us ASAP.

The best thing about being back (besides being with friends and family) is the great gas prices! No joke; we pay about $6.25 back in Bucharest!

1 comment:

Go Ye PROCLAIM said...

"No Place Like Home." :-)